Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Moments of Joy

A friend of mine recently told me that she was thinking of setting up a twitter account about moments of Joy. I think its a brilliant idea. I think in this society where everyone is so inclined towards criticism and complaining that documenting things like finding two sweetener tablets instead of the usual one when opening the small paper packet is definitely worth a 140 character tweet. I would definitely follow it, and probably tweet my very own little moments of joy at her in return.

This brings me onto my subject nicely. Little Companion turns three on Friday. I can't believe how grown up he's getting. He knows what a hammer head shark is, and no longer calls me Mummy, but Mu-um. How did this happen?! When you have a toddler people tend to say, ooh, terrible twos, or, ooh, how's the potty training going while wrinkling their noses.

What these people fail to shout about is how gleeful and joyful three year olds are. Pure and unbridled, my son's level of happiness, when he feels it, would be a challenge for anyone to match. Just look at him on the swings - tongue hanging out like a soppy and wild dog, grinning as he whooshes through the air. Completely brilliant. This is, without a doubt one of my favourite pictures of my son ever taken.

Come on friend, set up your twitter account so we can spread the joy!

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