Friday, May 4, 2012

scenario of dreams

this is how i feel about motherhood today:

From: friend
To: me

It’s been TOO long
How the heck was your holiday?
Are you out tonight?

From: me
To: friend

blah blah blah... not for blog...

Not out tonight. Wizzing straight home to pick up my beautiful boy for some much needed cuddle time. Although having said that, it most probably won’t be cuddle time. He’s being a right moody spoilt little sh*t at the moment, so we’ll probably spend the night with him saying poo, bum, and wee after every word that comes out of his mouth, because those are his swear words; me getting cross because he knows that it’s naughty and then him complaining at every new stage of the evening: dinner time; bath time; washing hair time; out of bath time; pyjama time; sleep time, and then finally he’ll go to sleep and I’ll pour myself a large glass of vino and collapse on the couch.

Are you out? If not, do you want to come over tonight and experience that scenario of dreams that I just described?

Love you


Monday, January 23, 2012


I have decided to stop pussyfooting around with social media and take the full plunge. I want to know it all, understand it all and I am going to learn about social media marketing strategy. I am going to sign up to every possible social media platform in a bid to fully comprehend the meaning of 'blogger outreach', call to action, content creation, S.E.O, C.P.C, Google analytics, Facebook Insights and anything else I need to wrap my brain around. In the last couple of days I have signed up to FourSquare and Instagram, I have the Blippar App on my phone - the augmented reality wonder that it is, to add to my already existing Google +, Twitter and Facebook accounts. Instagram is definitely my new favourite social media platform, while Blippar is the one to watch in terms of taking our world to another level. I will read as much as possible about NationalField; as I'm not a corporation can't sign up for it, but hopefully this won't stop me from understanding what its all about. the MarketingWeek Digital Supplement will become my new best friend.

There are, however a couple of problems with this enthusiasm though... I barely scraped a C in maths G.C.S.E. back in 1999. With this not-really-new-anymore-digital age its all about R.O.I, research, algorithms, coding and statistics. So I think maths is quite important with all that... right? To me, Pi is either a miss-spelt and delicious, pastry clad treat, or a great cult film, that Darren Aronofsky made before he was famous. I watched it when I was at uni, smug and stoned: I have no idea what its about. When people start talking numbers at me- basic arythmatic let alone statistics, that thing that happened to Kevin Spacey in American Beauty starts happening to me. Whatever the person is saying about bar charts or whatever, fades out and this weird plinky music starts playing as they start performing a sexy dance in a bowler hat & rose petals appear from nowhere... Its not always a good thing.

I need to focus! I need to comprehend, i need to zone IN, not OUT. So. I'm going to focus. I'm going to analyse, understand and read up on everything Social and Digital Media that I can get my mitts on for free. I am taking control. Work life will be better; will be different, and soon, because change comes from within, and I'm going to make it happen. Yeah!

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Moments of Joy

A friend of mine recently told me that she was thinking of setting up a twitter account about moments of Joy. I think its a brilliant idea. I think in this society where everyone is so inclined towards criticism and complaining that documenting things like finding two sweetener tablets instead of the usual one when opening the small paper packet is definitely worth a 140 character tweet. I would definitely follow it, and probably tweet my very own little moments of joy at her in return.

This brings me onto my subject nicely. Little Companion turns three on Friday. I can't believe how grown up he's getting. He knows what a hammer head shark is, and no longer calls me Mummy, but Mu-um. How did this happen?! When you have a toddler people tend to say, ooh, terrible twos, or, ooh, how's the potty training going while wrinkling their noses.

What these people fail to shout about is how gleeful and joyful three year olds are. Pure and unbridled, my son's level of happiness, when he feels it, would be a challenge for anyone to match. Just look at him on the swings - tongue hanging out like a soppy and wild dog, grinning as he whooshes through the air. Completely brilliant. This is, without a doubt one of my favourite pictures of my son ever taken.

Come on friend, set up your twitter account so we can spread the joy!